8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Graduating (hopefully)
2. Going camping at the lake Memorial Day Weekend
3. Graduation Party
4. Kim coming back home
5. New Moon and the new Harry Potter movies to come out
6. Getting mine and Brandon's pictures back
7. My cousin getting out of jail on the 11th
8. Summer :)
8 things I did yesterday:
1. Went to school
2. Went to work
3. Had to tell Kim and Caden by :(
4. Argued with Brandon a little
5. Went out to eat at Applebees for Jess' birthday
6. Complained about being fat :(
7. Made up with Brandon
8. Went to sleep, I was so tired
8 things I wish I could do:
1. Lose weight and get in shape
2. Save money and spend a weekend off with just me and Brandon
3. Go to Vegas
4. Go back to the Keys and go fishing
5. Buy my own house
6. Travel more
7. Be famous, but who doesn't?
8. Be more confident
8 shows I watch:
1. Bones
2. Lie To Me
3. Two and a Half Men
4. Family Feud
5. American Idol
6. Dollhouse ( sometimes)
7. CSI ( with the old people in it)
8. America's Best Dance Crew
Excuse me, dearest dear of my heart, but you do NOT need to lose weight OR get in shape. I would DIE for your body, SERIOUSLY. You're beautiful. And I'm glad you stole this from me. I always like getting inside your brain a little bit more. *hehe* ILY